The solo on top of AI isolated tracks for bass and drums. I meant to add in the keys this weekend, but alas…
I started off with backing tracks of the Drums and Bass… I played keys and rhythm guitar tracks, and have the video above of me playing the solo on top of all of the aforementioned.
A song of our strange times. This is a rough version… Me on guitar, Jeff on drums, Eric on bass.
I have lyrics, and maybe would try to sing it. I think I’d rather have Devon Townsend sing. If you see this Dev, please DM, lol.
I started working on keyboard parts to this… maybe I can post an update soon…
About Arisen – This is a great album written by keyboardist Mike Florio. I played all the guitars.
Bells for 1827
Paradise of Stone
About Fool Proof – Al and I wrote and produced this based off an original idea of Al’s. Jonathan on drums, Brian A on bass.
I bought a Steinberger from Brian M, and started playing the main riff. The riff actually came about because I wanted to test out the tremolo system… Jonathan was wise enough to record the riff, and we started working on this tune. Jon’s on drums, and James is on bass. I play guitar and keys, and did the production in Cakewalk.
Friends, by Joe Satriani
I stripped away the guitars and bass to get the isolated drum track, then recorded my own rhythm and lead guitars on top of that.
Just had carpal tunnel surgery in May. Hand is healing nicely. Thanks Dr. Lin!
Version without leads: Download WAV here.